Tuesday 22 April 2008


On monday chapel, the speaker talked about stress and ways to destress yourself. Found the talk pretty good so decided to share it here.


1. Design
Nonono, the design here isn't what you think as in the architecture / fashion type of designing. Design just simply means being creative, letting your mind roam around and be free, setting your imagination loose in the wilderness and stuff. Just letting go to destress, be it writing literature in forms of prose and poetry, going Leonardo da Vinci on your blank piece of paper, splatting paint-bombs all over a canvas, shredding on the electric guitar or whatsoever. You can destress by being creative.

2. Exercise
Ahh.. This is an obvious and well-known way. Exercising releases endorphins, which kills stress. Hence, exercising's a great way to destress. Physically demanding exercises are highly recommended as they are much more effective. And no, exercising your brain by playing games is not counted. One of the best examples would be boxing (need I explain more?).

3. Sing
Believe it or not, singing releases stress. Yep, it does indeed. According to the guy, singing is just a more pleasant form of shouting / screaming but for it to have the same effect, you have to sing out loud and loudly. VERY LOUDLY. Just think, Whitney Houston & Josh Groban. Somewhere along those lines. =D so this very smart speaker came up with the idea that we should blast the national anthem & school anthem on Mondays to shoo away the Monday blues. Hmm.. Yeah right, as if that would happen.

4. Talk
Yep, another all-time favourite destress method. Talking is one of the most effective way to destress through the popular "venting" or aka "bitching" where you just unload and dump all the sh*t and crap you have been through on the most unfortunate pair of ear or ears on earth. Also, keeping everything to yourself and burying them deep inside your heart is also bad for health as this all will accumulate. Sooner or later, all those stress will implode from the inside out and KABOOM! That's the end of you.

5. Recreation
Recreation = activites done to kill time or out of leisure to enjoy and satisfy
Basically, recreation refers to all the activities you can do to release stress. Main purpose is to have fun and enjoy. So.. Don't think I have to elaborate more on this point.

6. Eat
This has to be the easiest and favourite-test method of everyone reading and not reading this post. I can bet my life on it. Yes, eating DEFINITELY releases stress. For guys, the general satisfaction is a huge buffet + booze. Stuffing themselves silly with junk good works great too. Girls however, are a whole different story. Some copycat the guys and just gobbles down whatever they can lie their hands on. Others are satisfied with a 1 large tub of ice cream and the most popular one of all: chocolates, chocolates and more chocolates. Well, the only similarity here is that salads are definitely out of the menu for the time being.

7. Sleep
And here's another all-time favourite too. Not sure if people can choose between Eat or Sleep, for me, I'd rather do both. Think most of you would agree with me on this too right? =D Well, sleeping seems to be the least energy-required method of them all. Stressed? Just sleep it away and everything will be alright when you wake up. Wow.. Talk about a good night's sleep! One thing to watch out for is, try not to overdo it. Don't think that anyone should go into hibernating just because they were stressed. Worst thing that could happen? Go to sleep stressed, and wake up on the wrong side of bed the next day. Lol. XD

8. S_________
Unfortunately for the last one, I've totally forgot what it was. =S Well, feel free to fill in whatever you think should be considered as a destress method. However, to prevent those sicko-minded people first, I will say it myself first that sex is NOT a destressing method. At least not in our age group now. Haha. Come to think of it, Sidney fits up there too right? XD

Anyways, it's been a long ass post. Hopefully it can make up for my soon-to-come absence due to the coming exams. =\ So, till we meet again.

Cheers, Sidney.