Phew... Guess it was about time I updated my blog. Well, been hunting for a new blog layout / theme / skin / template for the new years, you know what they say.. New year, new start mah! So.. ended up with this one. Yeah I know it looks pretty much like the previous one... Colour scheme's pretty much the same and stuff but bear with me.. I'm still on the lookout on others.. Gimme a hand with it if you wanna, I'd appreciate it [=
Anywhoo... Just and update of what I've been up to.. Spent new years with family, the usual dinner plus! an unusual karaoke night.. lol think it was for my aunt and family who was leaving so... yeah. Was treated to a night of oldies and overgrown adults trying to relive their past through horrible and drunken vocals HAHAHAHA just try and imagine that
Finally got my license from Ah Shoon my instructor. Thanks! One of the best.. We lodgians should know ;) however, parents still don't trust me enough to let me drive alone so WTF... oh and.. been spring cleaning the whole day today.. Parents were like "you and your older sister should do something for CNY before you go back.. yadiyadiyada" so spent the day scrubbing floors, drains to even lamps!! O_o
Andddd.. I know it's a very wordy post for the new year but bear with me.. Because!!! I haven't gotten the pics of christmas, sis' birthday, new years eve and other events yet so bear with me!!! I'll make sure to post them up real soon... PROMISE!! anddd.. I would post pics of the spring cleaning today but.... who in ther right minds take pictures while they spring clean their house???? That wouldn't be considered spring cleaning at all!! O_o
Damn... It's already 3 days into the new year.. Most of my friends have already left to KL, others leaving to Australia soon... And I myself am going back to Singapore on the 18th too. Boy, how time flies.. Butttt.. hope to see all of them this Chinese New Year!!! A time of house crashing and gambling!!! w00t w00t!! XD
Think... that should do it for the first post of 2009, this is Sidney signing off then! Oh and btw, I... kinda lost all the links to all you people's blogs... So, would you mind like commenting your name and blog link on this post?? It'll be alot of help to me. Thanks, and happy new year!! [=